Preferences allow you to customise Kitomba to best suit your business, so Kitomba will automatically select the option that is most frequently used by you. The Preference screen is broken into sections.
Default Female Appointment type - the most frequently used appointment type for women.
Default Male Appointment type - the most frequently used appointment type for men.
Default Business Unit - the business unit you make most appointments for.
Sign off invoiced appt as completed - if you tick this then when you invoice the appointment the status will be set as completed.
Prompt for rebookings - tick if you want a prompt to rebook when committing appointment invoices.
Rebook Rules – you can choose which services are automatically rebooked when you click the rebook client button. Choose from All Services or Only First Service. Move and Rebook Preference – choose whether all services will stay with the main staff member, or you prefer one click to book in a colour with one person and cut with another.
Lock down non working time - this prevents making appointments in non working time
Colour Based Appointment Status – you can either use the appointment book/calendar with different types of appointments shown in different colours and the appointment status shown with an icon, or all types of appointments are shown in a colour that indicates their status.
Full colour appointments – if not using Colour Based Appointment Status, tick to make appointments a single solid colour. If this is not ticked the notes area of the appointment will appear a lighter colour.
Auto expand Service List – will show an expanded service list in an appointment screen.
Calendar Interval - allows you to select the interval on your calendar (requires Kitomba to be restarted to take effect).
Calendar Refresh
Suppress ‘Move Appointment’ confirmation pop-up.
Always grey out completed appointments.
Notes on Appointment.
Prompt for patch test.
Client card preferences
Allow you to select what details must be recorded on a client card to ensure the Client card is ‘complete’.
Note, it becomes difficult to save a Client card if the details you tick as being required are not available. Select tick boxes as to whether:
- Address is required.
- A telephone number is required.
- Email address is required.
- Show Business field on Client card. Invoicing
- Check Cash Drawer Session - allows the cash drawer to start and stop automatically at the start and end of each day. We recommend you check this option.
- Default in Payments - whether you wish to have Kitomba automatically insert the full value of the invoice into the payments table.
- Default Payment Method – select the method most of your customers pay you by, this option is only active if the default in payments option is selected, the preferred payment method is also automatically inserted into the payments table on any new invoice.
- Require Sales Person on Invoices - if ticked Kitomba will always prompt you to select a sales person if someone is not already selected.
- Use Thermal printer.
- Show Supplier code on all documents.
- Show Date Field on all documents.
- Show Advanced Voucher options
- Print Invoices when they are commited.
- Turn on Advanced Discounting.
- Suppress missing detail prompt to send to supplier. Reporting
- Let Kitomba control report print size - tick this to print customer history and invoices on A5 and all other reports on A4. If you need all reports to be A5 don’t tick this box.
- Suppress customer spend - tick this if you want the customers previous 12 months of spending hidden on their printed histories.
- Business Summary % calculation – either percentage of sales, or percentage of clients.
- Customer history printouts show - either all or technical notes only.
- Sales figures are calculated - GST inclusive or exclusive.
- Hide GST selection on reports - reports will use the default setting, which is set above. If you don’t want the option to choose including or excluding GST each time you run a financial report tick this box.
- Show cents in Business Summary
- Star Clients
Star Clients
Allows you to award ‘Stars’ to your clients (up to five per client). Star Clients visually shows you in Kitomba which clients are your 5 Star Clients and what’s stopping other clients from becoming a 5 Star client.
Now you and your staff can quickly see your clients in a totally different light, and gain an immediate impression of how to increase their value! Star Clients is also great to help direct your marketing to where it’s most effective.
Clients can earn a star when they:
1. Re-book
2. Purchase a core Service (e.g. cut and style)
3. Purchase Retail
4. Purchase a Colour/Chemical
5. Purchase a Treatment
Timing is important, so clients will earn a full star if they do one of the five things withing the Full Star time (which you set) and half a star within the Half Star time you set.
Stock Stock Value Method - allows you to value your stock according to the method you use (FIFO, LIFO, WAC, & Value at current cost).
- Turn Security On - tick this to use the Kitomba in-built security system
- Login as Restricted User with no password - tick this if you want restricted functions able to be used if the user has no password to Kitomba.
- Login as Administrator with main Kitomba password – will allow you to login as the administrator when you use the main Kitomba password.
- Security TimeOut - select Never, or between 1 and 19 minutes.
- External Wage Package - if you have a wage package compatible with Kitomba you can select it here.
- Sales figures used to calculate commissions are – select how you would like Kitomba to work out commission payments to staff – based on sales that are GST exclusive or inclusive.
- Show advanced commissions options – tick this to allow commissions based on individual products/categories.
- Include paid leave as working hours.
- Add paid appointments outside hours to hours.
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