Checking in your stock tells Kitomba that the stock has arrived. This could be from a product supplier or if you are part of a Multi-site business it could be from another location. Kitomba will update your stock levels based on what was ordered. When the order arrives, check that everything you ordered has been received and update any differences.
1. To locate the order for the supplies you want to check in go to the Cards tab in Kitomba and then click on Manage Suppliers.
Select the supplier from the list on the left e.g. L’Oreal. You’ll see a list of orders – the order you need will have a green O icon which means it has been ordered but not yet checked in.
2. Select Check-In.
This will turn the order icon from green to brown to show it has been checked in.
If you have received a different amount of items than ordered, make the change in the Qty (quantity) column next to the item. For example, if you ordered five Kerastase Shampoo but only three were delivered, click into the Qty box to change the amount from 5 to 3
When you have finished making adjustments to your order, and you’re satisfied that what is on the screen matches what was actually received from your supplier
3. Select the Commit button at the bottom of the screen.
This will show the Supplier’s Invoice. This invoice updates your stock on hand levels in Kitomba.
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