A Commission Group is the summary of all commission calculations (Plans) for a group of staff (a group of staff can be one staff person).
Each staff member can only be assigned to one Commission Group - however, each Group can contain multiple individual Commission Plans tailored to say Retail Sales, or Service Sales etc.
1. To create a new Commission Group go to Admin tab.
2. Select Commission Groups from the left hand menu.
3. Click on the Create button to make a new commission group.
4. Here you can add your Commission Group Name and in Description you can add any details about this Commission Group you wish to record.
5. From this screen you can also:
- Create Plan - create a Commision Plan
- Delete Selected Plan - select an existing Plan then click to Delete it
- Edit Selected Plan - select an existing Plan then click to Edit it
- Delete Entire Group - delete the Group and all contained Plans
- Save - save all changes made to the Group
NOTE: You can have as many Commission Plans within one Group as you wish. However for ease of management we recommend that you keep the number small.
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