Once you have set up the Commission's group you need to set up the plan under that group.
1. Navigate to the Admin Tab
2. Select Commission Groups and either:
Select the Create button to create a new Commission Group
or select the existing Commission Group you wish to set commission for.
3. Select the Create Plan button
4. A new window will pop up.
5. In the Name field, enter a name for the commission plan
6. From the drop down box next to Pay Commission On, choose what you will pay commission on. In this instance, only Retail will generate commission

7. Select which type of commission you want to pay

8. Select how you wish to measure your commissions

9. Select a Sales target

10. Select a sales limit (or leave blank if adding multiple tiers - this will auto complete)

11. Select a sales commission

12. If you use tiered commission structures, click Add Level to add a tier.

NB: You can remove a level at any time by clicking Remove Level
13. Once you are happy with the commission plans you have set up, click Save.
You can add as many different plans in as you wish. Each plan must be associated with a commission group.
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