Copy your Online Booking and Online Voucher sales website address
Promote Online Bookings and/or online voucher sales
Copy your Online Booking and Online Voucher sales website address

Promote Online Bookings and/or online voucher sales
Here’s how to promote your Online Booking page on Facebook, Instagram, your website, emails and text messages.
Facebook and Instagram Book Now buttons
Connecting Kitomba 1 to Facebook Business Manager gives you the option to add Book Now buttons to your Facebook page, Instagram profile and any ads you create.
Visit our support guide to learn how to add Book Now buttons to Facebook and Instagram.
We recommend that you use this to promote your Online Bookings.
Pin a post to the top of your Facebook page
- Post about Online Booking or Online voucher sales
- Go to the post on your Page
- Click in the top right of the post.
- Select Pin to top of page.

Add a link to your Instagram Bio
1. Open your Instagram mobile app.
2. Visit your profile by tapping the person icon on the bottom right.
3. Tap "Edit Profile" at the top of the screen.
4. Write a custom description in 150 characters or less.
5. Add a link to your Online booking or Online voucher sales website address.
6. Tap "Done" to save your bio.
1. Add a button or option to your navigation at the very top of your website. This makes it really visible and easy for your clients to find.
2. Add the copied Online Booking and/or online voucher sales website address to the button or navigation.
3. Click save.
1. Email the copied Online Booking and/or online voucher sales website address to your website developer.
2. Ask them to include a button or option to your navigation at the very top of your website for your clients to 'Book online' and/or 'Buy vouchers'.
Add a clear call-to-action to your emails directing your clients to your Online Booking site or to purchase an online voucher with a button. We recommend using your brand colour to style the button so it really stands out.
To learn how to add a button to a MailChimp email, visit their support guide.
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