Change staff to working, not working or on leave. Edit hours, lunch, breaks and custom time
in Kitomba 1.
Edit working hours
Not Working
Setting leave
Partial leave
Revert to normal hours
Edit working hours
1. To edit working hours go to Appointments in the top navigation bar for Kitomba 1
2. Select the staff member by selecting the name at the top of the column.
3. To edit working hours for the day change the times in the relevant areas.
Note: The calendar will show a Pink triangle when an override has been set.
Not Working
1. To set a staff member to not working select the Not working tab and select Save
Setting leave
1. If you want to create leave for the day select the Leave tab.
2. Select the Leave reason from the drop down list.
3. Select Save.
Partial leave
1. To enter in partial leave, select the Partial leave tab.
2. Enter the Start and End times
3. Enter in the Leave reason.
4. Select Save
Revert to normal hours
If you wish to revert to what it was before you made changes.
1. Select the Revert to normal working hours button. This will change the details back to the way they were and Save.
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