The Stock Movement Summary reports on any stock movement that isn't related to a sale. You would use this report to see what is happening with stock in your business and if there are any areas, such as a high value of adjustments, that you need to investigate further.
1. Go to the Reports tab in Kitomba and select the Stock movement summary report.
2. A pop-up box will appear. Select the date range you require and your GST preference.
3. Select Execute to create the report.
4. The report will show Stock Purchases by supplier, Adjustments and Internal use.
The Stock Purchases section provides a list of all invoices by supplier and the total for all suppliers over the date range you have selected.
The Adjustments section shows all adjustments for the selected date range. Adjustments are used when you have returns of products from clients, you have used products but may not have recorded in Kitomba at the time, or as a result of your stocktake where there is a discrepancy between Kitomba and what's on your shelves.
The Internal Use section shows stock you have used internally and checked out in Kitomba. This is listed by date and staff member.
5. If you want to investigate further on individual items go to the Cards tab and in the Supplier search area select Doc No from the list.
6. Note the Reference number listed on the report for the item you are investigating.
7. Enter this number into the Doc No field. To view the item, expand the selection by selecting the + sign on the left.
8. Then select the item you want to investigate. In our example, we can see the wrong amount has been entered into the actual column. This should have been 10.
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