The Stock statistics report in Kitomba shows details of product sales for the selected criteria.
Create the Stock Statistics report
1. In Kitomba select Reports from the top navigation bar and then the Stock Statistics report.
2. A pop-up box will appear. You can run this report using different criteria.
Selecting criteria
1. This report shows different things depending on the criteria entered. The criteria giving the most difference is the Group by and Order by options.
Group by options
In the Group by option, there are three main categories to select from. These are Supplier, Category and Staff. Each of these can be in summary only or in the all products more detailed form.
The Group by options are:
Group by Supplier (summary only). This provides a summary of stock sold by the supplier.
Report view
Group by Supplier (all products). This provides the details of stock sold by Supplier.
Report view
Group by category (summary only). This provides the details of stock sold by Category.
Group by Category Report view
Group by Category (all products). This provides the details of stock sold.
Report view
Group by Staff (summary only) this shows stock sold to clients by staff member totals and stock checked out for Internal use.
Report view
Group by Staff (all products) this shows details of stock sold to clients by a staff member.
Report view
Order by options
In the Order by option you can choose to order the report by the five categories listed below:
- Gross profit - shows the gross profit of your products sold
- Number sold - orders by highest to lowest sales and the number of products checked out for internal use
- Margin - orders by the products where your highest margin is
- Product name - orders by product name
- Sales value - shows the value for a product or a range on hand.
2. Once you have chosen how you want to group and order this report you can now complete the other criteria. These are:
- GST preference
- select from Both, Retail or Professional products
- select either All or the specific Supplier
- select either All or the particular Category.
3. Use the drop-down arrows beside the criteria and select the option from the drop-down lists.
Create the report
1. Once you have entered all the desired criteria select Execute.
This will provide your report showing the criteria you have selected.
Note: This report works really well when used with the Stock value report. The Stock value report shows you what you have on hand while the Stock statistics report shows what you've sold. For example: If you order stock weekly and the Stock value report shows that you have 10 of a particular shampoo on hand, but the Stock statistics report shows you usually only sell 5 a week you've probably got too many on hand.
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