Staff can be on leave for a number of reasons, including:
- Public Holiday
- Annual Leave
- Sick Leave
- Exam leave
- Bereavement leave
- Unpaid leave
Leave could be paid or unpaid.
You can set up leave reasons in Kitomba so that you can choose what type of leave a staff member is taking, and whether or not they are paid for the time that they are on leave.
Display your existing Leave Reasons
1. Select the Admin tab
2. Select Reasons on the left hand side
3. Choose Leave Reasons from the drop down menu on the right hand side
4. A list of your existing Leave Reasons will display.
Add Leave Reasons
1. Click Create Reason at the top right hand corner of the screen. A new entry called New Reason Type will be added to your list of existing Reasons
2. Type over the words New Reason Type with the name of your leave type.
In this example, we’ve used Bereavement.
If the Leave is paid then tick the Paid box, for unpaid leave the box unticked.
3. Click Save at the bottom right of the screen.
Change a leave reason
1. To change the name of a Leave Reason, click in the Reason box and change the words already there.
In this example, we’ve changed Bereavement (Paid) to Unpaid Leave (Unpaid)
If the Leave is paid then tick the Paid box, for unpaid leave the box unticked.
2. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Remove a leave reason
1. Click the button next to the leave reason you want to delete
2. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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