To Set up staff leave:
1. To access the Timetables page:
- Go to the Kitomba 1 dashboard and select the Manage tab.
- From the dropdown menu select the Timetables option.
2. Once you're on the timetable page, select the staff member you want to set the timetable. For this example, we will select Ashley Hamilton.
3. Click on the Leave tab.
4. Then click on the + Leave button to create Ashley's leave dates.
5. Select the Start and End date of the leave, choose the Reason for the leave, write a Note if necessary, and then click on Save leave. The leave dates will be added to Ashley's timetable.
When you go back to the main timetable page, you will notice that Ashley's timetable on Tuesday is turned to yellow. That means she is on leave on that day.
That’s an overview of how to set up staff leave in Kitomba 1's timetable. View our support guides to learn more, or get in touch with us.
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