How to add a document to a Client Card
1. To add a document to a client card go to the Cards tab in the top navigation bar for Kitomba 1.
2. To search for your client enter their name in the Search name, mobile or email field and select Go.
3. Select the Documents tab in their client card.
2. Choose a file from your files to upload or drag it into the upload box.
Tip! If you have paper documents you’d like to add, free scanner apps such as Scanner by Evernote (for Apple) and CamScanner (for Android) will let you scan and save documents using your phone or tablet.
The document will now be listed along with the date the document has been added.
To delete the document
1. Select the red rubbish can on the right. a warning will appear to ensure documents are not deleted in error.
To delete the document select the red Delete it button and the document will be removed from the list.
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