If you need to remove a client’s personal information from your database—whether they’ve requested it or for another reason—you can do this in Kitomba 1. This will clear their personal details and contact info, while keeping their invoices and appointment history in the system.
Any deletions of clients will be recorded in the Security Log.
Who can delete clients?
The ability to delete clients from the database automatically defaults to Admin users only – unless you manually change this. You can easily enable this for any or all other access level by selecting the tick box under the additional permission levels next to Delete clients.
View our support guide to learn how to edit permissions for access levels.
Delete a client
1. Log into Kitomba 1 and select the Clients tab.
2. Select the Search tab, enter the client’s name you want to delete and select their name.
3. Select the Details tab.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Delete client button.
5. If you are an enterprise customer, select the locations you want to delete the client from.
Please note: You are only able to delete clients from locations you have access to.
6. Write delete in the text box to select the next Delete button.
Important: Double check you are deleting the correct client as this action cannot be undone.
7. All client details will successfully be removed. Appointments and invoices will remain in Kitomba 1 without any client details displayed.
Please note: If a client has outstanding accounts (concessions or account balance), you will need to remove these from their account before they can be deleted.
That is an overview of how to delete a client in Kitomba 1. View our support guides to learn more or get in touch with us.
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